Pre and Post Workout Skin Care | Best Skin Practices to Prevent Gym Skin

Pre and Post Workout Skin Care | Best Skin Practices to Prevent Gym Skin

Whether you are an athlete or an occasion hot yoga-goer having the proper practices for caring for you skin, pre and post workout can prevent break-outs and keep your skin clean, clear and hydrated. 

Here are my top tips to keeping your skin as fit as your body. 

What is Fibroblast Plasma Skin Tightening?

What is Fibroblast Plasma Skin Tightening?

Fibroblast Plasma Skin tightening is a new cosmetic treatment that is non invasive and provides lasting results (1-3 years). This is an FDA approved service with the FDA approved pen.  The pen creates little sparks of energy. These sparks evaporate tiny superficial bits of skin to stimulate collagen production. As the skin heals a tightening results.